Cancer Care


Nutrition | Cancer Coaching | Support

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Cancer Coach, Lisa Horne has a passion for empowering people to achieve optimal health and wellness.

She strongly believes that what we eat and the lifestyle choices we make have a significant impact on our overall health and well being.

With a strong focus on post cancer treatment care, Lisa Horne works closely with her clients to develop customized nutrition and lifestyle plans that address their unique needs and concerns.

Using evidence based and sustainable solutions, she has helped countless individuals achieve their health goals and transition back to a healthy lifestyle after cancer treatment.

As a Cancer Transition Coach and a Chronic Cancer Coach Lisa Horne has provided individuals with valuable support as they navigate the emotional and practical aspects of their journey.

She find the topic of nutrition and lifestyle is often overlooked in cancer care. Trying to figure out what to do after cancer treatments can be very confusing. Her goal is to empower you to make informed choices for yourself or perhaps for someone you are caring for about what food and lifestyle choices you can make that have the potential to make a difference during recovery and improving overall health and wellbeing.




Cancer is a life changing event.  During treatment you have an entire team of support and guidance. Following treatment people often find they have no where to go to get the support the guidance or advise they need to navigate the post treatment stage.

Following treatments there is a whole new set of uncertainties, symptoms and concerns that can arise both physically and emotionally.

This is where Cancer Transition Coaching or Living with Chronic Cancer Coaching steps in, bridging the gap following treatment and providing support and reliable advise through the uncertainties of post treatment life.

Through coaching, you can confront the fear of cancer recurrence and establish habits that will help support you through your healing journey.


Topics include 

  • What does life look like after cancer
  • Fear of cancer recurrence
  • Living with uncertainty
  • Transitioning care back to your family doctor
  • Nutrition
  • Brain fog, trouble concentrating, poor memory
  • Returning to work
  • Relationships after treatment
  •  Chronic fatigue, low energy
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Digestive issues

-If you would like to discuss your personal goals and explore how Lisa Horne can support you, Please contact her to schedule a discovery call.

Services may be covered by your insurance plan.